Tension Springs
The Subtil-Group produces cylindrical springs with and without slope.
Tension springs or coil springs are torsion-stressed springs that have a linear characteristic. Prepared from spring wires with round, flat, square or profiled sections.
We have a variety of efficient manufacturing facilities for all size ranges. All machines are equipped with either laser or camera testing.
Thanks to our modern machines, all conceivable special or mold eyelets can be produced economically in addition to traditional DIN 2097 eyelet shapes. There are hardly any limits when it comes to shapes - we adapt to your individual requirements and realize your wishes.
One of our particular competencies is in tension springs with rolled hook and cast eyelets: We have special facilities that allow for efficient production of such tension springs.
Tension springs are manufactured in wire diameters from 0.20 mm to max. 12 mm,round or profile materials; in all spring materials and special alloys.